Cancer and Symptom Relief

Cancer  is  a  life  changing  diagnosis.  It  can  be  painful,  debilitating  physically  as  well  as  emotionally  and  treatment  side  effects  are  often  very  disruptive  to  everyday  life.  The  roller  coaster  of  physical  and  emotional  upsets  are  invasive  and  very  difficult  for  many  to  manage.  It  is  important  to  use  a  myriad  of  tools  to  help  manage  all  of  one's  symptoms.  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM)  and  acupuncture  can  help.  It's  a  safe  and  effective  adjunctive  treatment  option  for  managing  the  side  effects  of  surgery,  chemotherapy  and  radiations.  It  is  helpful  for  pain,  insomnia,  nausea,  neuropathy  and  scar  tissue  formation  from  surgery.  It  can  help  you  manage  your  treatment  so  you  can  return  to an integrated life.

The Impact of Cancer on Daily Life

A  cancer  diagnosis  can  impact  your  life  significantly.  It  can  disrupt  everyday  activities,  social  interactions,  emotional  well-being,  and  your  professional  life.  Cancer  symptoms  like  fatigue,  anxiety,  pain,  nausea,  dizziness,  insomnia,  neuropathy  and  physical  changes  and  worry  can  be  addressed  with TCM  treatments and have no negative side effects.

Frequent  medical  appointments,  scheduling  challenges,  and  the  adverse  effects  of  your  treatments  can  be  overwhelming  and  getting  help  to  manage  these  with  a  trusted  TCM  practitioner  can  be  invaluable.

It  is  important  to  be  closely  connected  to  your  support  group  and  loved  ones.  Talk  to  them  about  how you   feel  and  share  your emotions.  You  should   also  openly  discuss  your  concerns with  your   healthcare  team  and  see  if  they  can  assist  you  in  managing  this  situation.  Prioritize  healthy  eating,  appropriate exercise, good sleep, and stress management techniques.

Try Acupuncture for Improved Quality Of Life

Cancer  and  its  treatment  are  different  for  everyone.  How  it  specifically  affects  you  will  vary  and  may  affect  your  sense  of  independence  and  your  ability  to  do  everyday  tasks.  Acupuncture,  a  Traditional Chinese Medicine practice, has been helpful in managing these changes.

It  has  also  shown  proven  results  for  cancer  treatment  side  effects  and  symptom  relief.  This  complementary  therapy  can  be  integrated  into  your  current  conventional  treatment  plan.  It's  safe  and especially beneficial for chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, pain, insomnia and fatigue..

This  cancer  treatment  therapy  promotes  better  energy  flow  (Qi)  and  stimulates  the  nervous  system.  Paired  lifestyle  adjustments,  and  dietary  guidance  can  enhance  your  overall  health.  and  support  you  while  you  receive  treatment  and  after  to  help  transition  into  daily  life  again.  While  TCM  and  acupuncture  aren't  a  direct  treatment  for  cancer,  it  does  offer  supportive  care  to  help  you  cope  with  the many challenges it presents.

Consult Jenny Crissman in Oakland for Personalized Care

If  you've  been  struggling  with  cancer  treatment  symptoms;  mental  and  physically  ,  reach  out  to  seek  support  from  a  trusted  caretaker.  Jenny  Crissman  in  Oakland,  Bay  Area,  has  20  years  of  experience  in  treating  cancer  patients. She  is  familiar  with  current  chemotherapy  treatment   practices,  radiation  and  immunotherapy. She  will  help  you  navigate  with  dietary   recommendations,  acupuncture,  lifestyle suggestions  and   heartfelt  understanding.  Schedule  your  consultation  today  and explore how she can elevate your healing journey.

Acupuncture for Gastrointestinal Disorders and Biome Upgrade

Gastrointestinal  disorders  are  becoming  increasingly  common  today.  They  impact  millions  of  Americans  and  can  significantly  reduce  one's  quality  of  life  and  health.  Fortunately,  you  can  find  relief  with  the  combined  tools  of  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  and  Functional  Medicine  Diagnostics  GIMAP  from  Diagnostic  Solutions  This  combination can diagnose, treat and heal your gastrointestinal biome.

What Are Gastrointestinal Disorders?

A  gastrointestinal  (GI)  disorder  comprises  functional  and  inflammatory  ailments  of  the  digestive  tract  primarily.  It  can  also  impact  the  liver,  gallbladder  and  pancreas.  You  could  experience  bloating,  nausea,  constipation,  acid  reflux,  and  diarrhea.  Chronic  issues  may  include  celiac  disease,  Crohn's  disease,  irritable  bowel  syndrome  (IBS),  ulcerative  colitis,  gastroesophageal  reflux  disease  (GERD),  etc.  These  can  result  from  an  unhealthy  diet,  disturbed  sleep,  frequent  antibiotic  use,  lacking  physical  activity,  alcohol  consumption,  stress  and  underlying  health  conditions.  It  disrupts  your  daily life, leading to both physical and emotional stress.

What's a Biome Upgrade?

It's  simply  the  process  of  rebalancing  your  gut  microbiome.  The  microorganisms  that  live  in  your  digestive  tract  are  elemental  for  proper  digestion,  nutrient  absorption,  immune  functioning,  and  reducing  systemic  and  local  inflammation.  Upgrading  the  existing  microbial  ecosystem  with  safe  and  effective  techniques  can  positively  impact  your  overall  well-being.  These  practices  can  include  lifestyle  changes,  nutrition  guidance,  stress  management,  supplements  and  herbs  along  with  acupuncture  treatments.  With  the  right  diagnostics  and  combined  treatments  you  can  heal  your  gut.  When  your  gut  health  improves,  it  shows  on  your  skin,  you  feel  more  energized,  there's  no  bloating, it boosts your mood, and you have less food sensitivities and regular bowel movements.

The Role of Acupuncture in Improving Gut Health

Acupuncture,  Chinese  medicine  practice  that  can  effectively  manage  numerous  gastrointestinal  disorders.  It  increases  energetic  flow  to  your  gastrointestinal  tract,  reduces  inflammation,  increases  motility  and  helps  support  digestion.  It  has  a  strong  impact  on  the  vagus  nerve  and  its  role  in  digestive  functions.  Using  herbs  and  nutraceutical  supplements  is  another  layer  of  treatment  that  you will receive when visiting an expert practitioner.

Rebalancing  it  with  acupuncture  can  encourage  healthy  gut  function.  Acupuncture  is  also  a  powerful  tool  for  alleviating  stress.  It  calms  the  nervous  system  and  promotes  relaxation.  This  reduces  any  flare-ups  and  supports  better  digestion.  All  in  all,  acupuncture  helps  "upgrade"  your  gut  biome,  easing the symptoms of GI disorders from the root.

If  you're  in  the  Bay  Area,  including  Oakland  and  other  communities,  you  can  find  help  quickly.  .  Whether  you're  having  a  chronic  condition  or  just  want  to  keep  your  gut  health  in  check,  these  experts  can  help  transform  your  digestive  wellness.  With  this  safe,  effective,  non-invasive  holistic  approach, you can experience healing like never before.

Partner With Jenny Crissman to Get Started

Gastrointestinal  disorders  can  be  challenging.  But  do  not  let  them  take  over  your  life.  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM)  approaches,  including  acupuncture,  can  manage  these  issues  and  offer  long-term  relief.  If  you're  in  Oakland  or  around,  you  can  consult  Jenny  Crissman  to  address  your  concerns.  Jenny  combines  acupuncture  with  herbal  formulations,  dietary  guidance,  and  lifestyle  changes  for  personalized  and  compassionate  care.  She  will  use  the  traditional  diagnostics  of  Chinese  Medicine  combined  with  the  functional  testing  of  GIMAP  from  Diagnostic  Solutions p.  It’s  the  perfect  combination  for  improved  outcomes!  Call  510-595-0700  to  book  your  appointment  and  benefit  from  the  extensive  experience  and compassionate approaches of renowned Jenny Crissman at her practice in Oakland.

Acupuncture for Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation  and  pain  are  two  of  the  most  common  challenges  millions  face  today.  These  can  significantly  limit  daily  activities  and  lead  to  other  severe  circumstances  if  not  addressed  promptly.  Acupuncture  is  a  safe,  drug-free,  and  holistic  approach  to  treating  pain  and  chronic  inflammation.  With  the  assistance  of  experts  like  Jenny  Crissman  in  Oakland,  you  will  be  able  to  experience  sustained results.

The Impact of Inflammation

Inflammation  is  your  body's  natural  response  to  infections,  irregular  sleep  patterns,  high  blood  sugar  levels,  injuries  and  chronic  stress.  Any  form  of  inflammation  can  present  with  a  myriad  of  short  and  long  term  symptoms  and  health  complications.  You  might  experience:  flushed  skin,  swelling,  burning  sensation,  tenderness,  pain  associated  with  headaches,  joint  and  muscle  pain  with  no  injury  involved,  weight  gain,  depleted  energy,  mood  changes…Inflammation  is  a  symptom  of many diseased states!

 When  these  symptoms  and  those  from  injury  persist  longer  than  normal  healing  times,  you  will  experience  a  deteriorating  quality  of  life.  If  left  untreated,  inflammation  can  develop  into  life  threatening  illnesses  such  as:  diabetes,  cardiovascular disease,   autoimmune disorders,  cognitive   decline,  hormonal  imbalances,  anxiety  and  depression,  gut biome   disruptions  and more.  Addressing  such problems requires a multi-faceted approach that doesn't just mask the symptoms. 

Enter Acupuncture

Pain  and  inflammation  are  disruptive  to  your  body's  functioning  if  they  persist  for  months  or  years.  Instead  of  resorting  to  medications  with  side  effects,  try  a  holistic  approach  like  acupuncture  combined  with  lifestyle  changes  for  safe  and  lasting  benefits.  This  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM) practice is emerging as a potent remedy for treating pain and inflammation.

 Acupuncture  helps  balance  the  life-sustaining  force  of  the  body  called  Qi  and  promotes  healing.  When  Qi  is  blocked,  it  can  lead  to  a  number  of  deficiencies  in  the  body.  A  skilled  and  licensed  acupuncturist  can  diagnose  and  treat  symptoms  and  underlying  causes  simultaneously..  Thereby  alleviating  pain,  tension,  and  inflammation.  It  helps  improve  your  blood  circulation,  enhances  mood,  and balances stress hormones.

In  addition  to  acupuncture,  TCM  therapies  can  include  herbal  formulations,  dietary  guidance,  and  lifestyle  modifications  to  enhance  your  overall  life  quality.  This  comprehensive  approach  improves  the body's ability to heal itself and support recovery efforts.  

Get Expert Help

If  you  wish  to  explore  the  benefits  of  acupuncture,  Jenny  Crissman's  practice  in  Oakland  can  be  the  right  place  to  begin.  Jenny  Crissman  is  a  trusted  name  among  Oakland  and  Bay  Area  residents.  She  helps  patients  to  establish  a  lifestyle  geared  toward  wellness..  She  blends  her  three  decades  of  experience  in  traditional  Chinese  wisdom  and  modern  functional  medicine  to  create  personalized  treatment plans for optimal wellness.

Jenny  believes  in  helping  you  restore  and  maintain  the  balance  between  your  mind  and  body.  Hence,  she  offers  targeted  acupuncture  treatments  along  with  customized  herbal  remedies,  proper  dietary  guidance,  and  sustainable  lifestyle  suggestions  to  support  healing  and  long-term  wellness.  Jenny  has  treated  many  people  in  Oakland  and  the  Bay  Area.  You  will  indeed  feel  the  difference  with  her  transformative  and  compassionate  care.  Whether  you're  dealing  with  migraines,  joint  issues,  digestive  problems,  or  autoimmune  disorders,  you  will  find  relief  with  TCM  approaches  and  with  the right professional.

Start Today

Chronic  inflammation  and  pain  don't  have  to  define  you  or  dictate  your  life.  With  expert  advice  and  personalized  treatment  plans,  you  should  be  able  to  walk  towards  a  balanced,  pain-free  life.  Call  510-595-0700 today for a consultation.

Best Acupuncture in Oakland

Acupuncture is a gentle and effective treatment option for those seeking alternative solutions to addressing physical, emotional, and mental health challenges. So, whether you're dealing with chronic pain, stress, or specific health concerns, acupuncture can offer relief and rejuvenation. If you're in the Bay Area, Oakland, and want to try acupuncture for long-term relief, we can help.

Here's how.

What is Acupuncture Used For

This healing modality is based on ancient art. It is believed that the human body has 2,000+ acupuncture points connected by meridians, creating an energy flow (called Qi) responsible for maintaining overall well-being. Any disruption in the flow of Qi; physical or emotional trauma, diseased states and inflammation, disordered sleeping or digestive upset.. can cause imbalances and long term imbalance leads to acute and chronic health conditions.

Acupuncture, an age-old Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice, helps stimulate the central nervous system, regulate endocrine functions, balance hormones , decrease inflammation and support the body's innate immune function. By inserting very fine needles at strategic points (called acupoints) in the body, acupuncture improves the flow of Qi and blood and reestablishes the body's natural state of wellness.

Each treatment is based on every individual's dynamic constitution and through evaluation of current imbalances. Acupuncture relieves chronic pain, sports injuries, improves mental well-being, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal concerns, and seasonal allergies/ illnesses and skin allergies. The therapy can also support the body to fight autoimmune disorders and it's also helpful in cancer care, especially for easing the side effects of chemotherapy.

The approach is also effective in addressing women's health issues, including infertility, menopause, PCOS, and menstrual irregularities. It improves blood flow to the reproductive organs, balances the endocrine system, and eases symptoms like mood swings, cramps, and hot flashes.

Healing with Jenny Crissman

Oakland is a vibrant wellness community and home to many TCM practitioners, but one person stands out from the rest: Jenny Crissman. She's dedicated to offering exceptional acupuncture services. Including electro acupuncture , cupping and moxibustion. Her Oakland practice is a sanctuary for healing, with philosophies rooted in achieving optimal wellness. Jenny's active listening, calming presence and thoughtful care make her a trusted partner in health for clients in Oakland.

Beyond acupuncture, Jenny offers nutritional and lifestyle advice tailored to each client's needs. She sees wellness as a collaborative journey, and under her expert guidance, acupuncture can help cultivate balance and vitality in every aspect of your life. She's a versatile and highly skilled practitioner who understands that it's crucial to address the underlying causes of your health concerns, not just the symptoms, for lasting results.

Start Your Wellness Journey Today

If you're in the Bay Area and seeking excellent acupuncture care, Jenny Crissman can be your go-to healthcare provider. Whether you're navigating menopausal challenges, managing chronic pain, or seeking emotional equilibrium, Jenny can offer a comprehensive approach to wellness. Schedule your appointment today and discover how the profound benefits of acupuncture can transform your life.

Transforming Breast Cancer Support This October

Have  you  or  a  loved  one  been  touched  by  breast  cancer?  Statistics  reveal  that  nearly  1  in  8  women  face  this  diagnosis  in  their  lifetime.  Breast  cancer  remains  a  formidable  challenge  for  millions  today.  It's a pervasive disease that can manifest silently and surface with sudden, life-altering symptoms.

Understanding  the  signs  and  risks  and  embracing  early  detection  is  the  key  to  combating  this  challenge.  As  we  stand  together  this  Breast  Cancer  Awareness  Month,  let's  create  awareness  with  compassion  and  resolve  to  be  committed  to  supporting,  educating,  and  empowering  every  individual affected by breast cancer.

Understanding the Impact of Breast Cancer

Breast  cancer  is  one  of  the  most  common  cancers  affecting  women  globally.  Around  1  in  8  women  in  the  United  States  are  believed  to  develop  invasive  breast  cancer  during  their  lifetime.  The  disease  can  manifest  through  symptoms  like  lumps  in  the  breast  or  underarms,  changes  in  the  size  or  shape  of the breasts, unexplained nipple discharge, and pain in the surrounding areas.

Risk  factors  include  aging,  hormonal  changes,  genetic  mutations,  and  lifestyle  choices.  While  it  primarily  affects  women,  men  are  also  susceptible,  but  at  a  much  lower  rate.  The  emotional  and  physical  impact  of  this  condition  is  profound  as  women  navigate  different  treatment  options  like  surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, as well as the anxiety of possible metastasis.

The Role of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

When  treating  the  physical  and  emotional  toll  of  breast  cancer,  many  seek  complementary  therapies  to  help  minimize  the  side  effects  of  treatment  and  overall  well-being.  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM)  and  acupuncture  are  emerging  as  promising  treatment  approaches.  These  practices  are  rooted in ancient Chinese healing traditions to restore your body's balance and harmony.

Acupuncture  is  particularly  known  for  its  efficacy  in  managing  side  effects  from  chemotherapy-induced  nausea,  fatigue,  digestive  disruptions,  appetite  and  insomnia.  It  also  offers  much-needed relief from stress, pain and anxiety.

Partner With the Best for Comprehensive Care

If  you're  in  or  around  the  East  Bay  and  Oakland  areas,  Jenny  Crissman  is  a  trusted  name  specializing  in  women's  health  and  wellness.  With  Jenny  by  your  side,  you  can  rest  easy  knowing  that  expert  help is available.

Jenny  demonstrates  the  power  of  integrative  care  in  addressing  breast  cancer.  She  possesses  2o  years  of  experience  with  adjunct  care  for  cancer  treatment  and  welcomes  all  to  her  practice  in  Oakland.

Jenny's  approaches  combine  the  best  of  both  worlds:  the  holistic  balance  of  TCM  and  the  precision  of  modern  medicine .  She  offers  acupuncture  services  and  personalized  nutritional  counseling  tailored  to  individual  needs.  Her  method,  "Energetic  Alchemy,"  as  she  calls  it,  is  particularly  in  tune  with  the  needs  of  women  navigating  the  challenges  of  breast  cancer.  If  you're  looking  for  reliable,  compassionate, and experienced support and resources, you know who to trust.

Book a Consultation Today

This  October,  Breast  Cancer  Awareness  Month,  educate  yourself  on  the  importance  of  early  detection  and  integrative  care  approaches.  Whether  you're  directly  affected  by  breast  cancer  or  supporting  someone  who  is,  consider  exploring  the  role  of  acupuncture  and  TCM  in  managing  these  testing times.

If  you're  in  Oakland  and  the  surrounding  areas,  visit  Jenny's  practice  to  explore  comprehensive  solutions ensuring optimal health and recovery.  Click  here  to get started.

Acupuncture for Mental Health

In a world where everyday stress can drown out your inner peace,  the  importance  of  mental  health  cannot  be  overstated.  Amid  the  rising  instances  of  mental  health  conditions,  holistic  approaches  like  acupuncture  emerge  as  powerful  tools  to  offer  hope.

If  you're  in  or  around  Oakland,  Jenny  Crissman  is  a  trusted  name  helping  those  struggling  with  stress,  anxiety,  and  depression. Jenny offers tailored treatment plans, including acupuncture, for better mental health.

Understanding Mental Health and Its Importance

Mental  health  is  foundational  to  your  overall  well-being.  It  encompasses  your  psychological,  emotional,  and  social  health.  It  enhances  resilience,  helps  you  thrive  in  adversity,  and  builds  healthy  relationships.  Your  mental  health  also  affects  society  as  a whole.

Poor  mental  health  is  linked  to  numerous  health  problems,  lowering  quality  of  life,  and  increased  mortality  rates.  As  mental  health  issues  become  more  prevalent,  identifying  and  addressing  them  is  essential  for  personal  satisfaction  and  fostering  broader social harmony.

The Growing Concern about Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

 Stress,  depression,  and  anxiety  issues  are  at  an  all-time  high,  especially  among  young  adults.  Not  just  in  the  US,  these  mental health challenges are impacting millions all around the world.

Mental  health  disorders  consist  of  a  range  of  conditions  that  affect  your  mood,  behaviors,  and  thought  processes.  It  also  influences  how  you  handle  everyday  situations,  social  well-being,  and  decision-making.  Unmanageable  stress  and  trauma  from  the  past  and  current  life  hinder  one's  ability  to  function  effectively.  Because  of  this,  substance  use  disorders,  insomnia,  pain  syndromes  and  in  some  severe  cases  suicidal  tendencies,  are  rising  at  an  alarming  rate.  Currently  antidepressants  /anti  anxiety  and  anti  psychotic  meds  along  with  traditional  psychotherapy  are  commonly  the  only  solutions  offered  to  those  that  suffer  from  mental  health  disorders.  It’s  very  concerning  and  expanding  treatment  options  with  a  more  holistic  solution  that includes adaptogens, nutritional therapy , acupuncture, herbs… is a very significant consideration for wellness.

Try This Traditional Approach to Modern-Day Problems

Acupuncture  is  a  critical  component  of  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  (TCM).  It  has  gained  recognition  as  an  effective  treatment for various mental health problems.

By  stimulating  specific  points  in  the  body,  acupuncture  enhances  your  natural  healing  capabilities.  For  instance,  targeting  points  around  the  heart  meridian  can  alleviate  emotional  distress,  while  the  points  around  the  liver  meridian  can  help  with  frustration  and  anger.  This  balance  is  achieved  by  manipulating  the  body's  vital  energy  (Qi),  which  flows  through  pathways  called  meridians.   It's  believed  that  emotional  disorders  result  from  disruptions  in  this  energy  flow,  and  correcting  these  can  improve overall wellness.

Acupuncture  induces  relaxation,  encouraging  the  body  to  produce  endorphins  and  serotonin.  It  strengthens  the  mind  and  body  connection,  leading  to  more  sustainable  health  outcomes.  This  promising,  non-pharmaceutical  treatment  option  supports  the  body's  ability  to  maintain  emotional  equilibrium  without  any  adverse  effects  associated  with  conventional  medications.

Choose Excellence in Mental Health Care with Jenny Crissman

 Jenny  Crissman,  in  the  Bay  Area,  particularly  in  Oakland,  is  a  distinguished  practitioner  integrating  acupuncture  with  holistic  health  practices  to  treat  mental  health  issues.  She  combines  TCM  with  modern  dietary  insights,  herbal  formulations,  and  lifestyle  modifications  to  prepare  personalized  wellness  plans.  This  patient-centered  approach  nurtures  all  aspects  of  your  mental health.

Begin Your Wellness Journey Now!

Looking  to  lead  a  fulfilling  life,  free  from  agonizing  and  disturbing  mental  health  problems?  Choose  Jenny  Crissman  for  your  wellness  journey.  With  over  three  decades  of  experience,  Jenny's  hands-on  approach  can  transform  your  mental  health  and  help you embrace a balanced lifestyle. Contact us today to  schedule your first visit  now.

Perimenopause Care in Oakland

Perimenopause  is a  very  critical  phase  in  a  woman's  life.  It  often  brings  along  several  challenging  symptoms  and  requires  comprehensive care.  If  you're  in  Oakland,  Jenny  Crissman  can  help  you  understand  and  manage  your transition.  She's  helped  many  women  manage  their  health  in  the  perimenopausal period and can assist you, too.

Understanding Perimenopause

Perimenopause  defines  the  transitional  phase  that  leads  up  to  menopause,  where  ovaries  stop  releasing  eggs  and  menstruation  timing  can  become  irregular  or  stop  altogether.  It  generally  starts  in  your 40 s  and  lasts  a  few  months  to  a  few  years.  Some  women  in  their  mid-30s  can  also  begin  perimenopause.  The  onset  of  menopause  is  generally  defined  as  having  ceased  menstruation  for  a  period of 12 consecutive months.

 The  condition  may  be  characterized  by  severe  hormonal  imbalances,  menstrual  irregularities,  vaginal  dryness,  sleep  disturbances,  hot  flashes,  decreased  libido,  night  sweats,  and  mood  fluctuations.  It  affects  women  worldwide,  and  lifestyle  factors,  existing  health  conditions,  and  genetics  can  influence  the  severity  and  prevalence  of  disruptive  symptoms.  It  is  important  to  remember  that  these  are  “  normal”  changes  and  symptoms  but  if  they  become  overwhelming  or  challenging  and  disrupt  normal  quality  of  life-  seek  help!  Acupuncture,  herbs,  lifestyle  changes,  exercise habits and nutrition are all supportive modalities.

Acupuncture Can Help!

Perimenopause  is  a  natural  transition  with  some  life-altering  symptoms.  Some  women  find  it  easy  to go through this phase, while others will definitely want  assistance.

Chinese  medicine  practices  like  acupuncture  are  time-tested  and  go  beyond  standard  treatments  to  approach  women's  health.  At  Jenny's  practice  in  Oakland,  integrative  care  is  at  the  heart  of  every  treatment  plan.  Jenny  dedicatedly  helps  women  battling  with  infertility  issues,  hormonal  disorders,  and perimenopause.

With  acupuncture,  Jenny  is  able  to  stimulate  specific  points  in  the  body  to  balance  hormones,  alleviate  stress,  and  reduce  other  associated  symptoms.  It  also  helps  improve  sleep  cycles,  boost  energy,  and  offer  relaxation.  Many  women  who  have  received  regular  acupuncture  sessions  experience significant relief in their symptoms and overall health.

Why Choose Jenny

 Jenny  is  a  knowledgeable  and  integrative  practitioner.  She  will  do  a  full  diagnostic  intake,  listen  to  your  primary  complaints  and  create  a  plan  to  help  you  maneuver  this  new  hormonal  imbalance.  She  will  have  suggestions  on  lifestyle,  herbs,  nutrition  and  a  knowledgeable  discussion  around  your  questions  regarding  hormone  replacement  or  alternative  modalities.  She  stands  out  from  the  rest  for her innovative and compassionate approaches and extensive experience.

Jenny  focuses  her  practice  on  building  relationships,  treating  the  root  cause,  and  offering  whole-body  healing.  With  a  holistic  outlook  on  health,  Jenny  ensures  that  every  woman  walking  into  her  facility  feels  seen  and  heard.  She  wants  the  best  for  all  her  patients,  which  can  be  seen  in  her  customized and comprehensive treatment plans.

Her  familiarity  with  acupuncture,  herbal  formulas,  nutritional  supplements,  and  lifestyle  adjustments allows her to offer overall wellness to her patients.

If  you're  looking  for  natural  solutions  to  address  your  perimenopausal  symptoms,  you're  at  the  right  place. You can trust Jenny with your physical and emotional health.

Take Charge of Your Health with Jenny Crissman Today

Explore  the  transformative  power  of  comprehensive  perimenopause  care  in  Oakland  with  Jenny  Crissman.  Her  expertise  can  help  you  find  relief  and  experience  deep  relaxation.  Book  a  session  today and regain balance.

World Infertility Awareness Month

June marks World Infertility Awareness Month. The campaign begins on June 1st and raises awareness about infertility-associated issues that millions face around the world. It dispels negative stigmas and breaks barriers preventing people from talking about the prevalence of infertility and seeking support. World Infertility Awareness Month advocates for creating a more supportive environment for those struggling with this complicated and heart-wrenching condition.

Understanding Infertility Challenges

Infertility is a complex and common reproductive health issue. It can be an emotionally, physically, and financially difficult experience for both men and women. But practitioners like Jenny Crissman in Oakland, with years of experience, are offering hope to individuals and couples experiencing this condition.

In many cases, infertility shows no discernible signs. Where symptoms are clear, there's no support. Where there's support, there might not be proper or personalized care.

Infertility can manifest in two ways: Primary and Secondary. Primary infertility is when the couple has never conceived, and secondary infertility refers to difficulties conceiving after a previous pregnancy. Plus, not every healthcare provider may be capable of correctly diagnosing the problem. World Infertility Awareness Month aims to educate those suffering from infertility issues and help improve their lives.

Experience Compassionate and Comprehensive Care

At Jenny Crissman's practice, we understand your dilemma. Problems associated with infertility can significantly impact your life and that of those around you. For this reason, we offer compassionate and comprehensive care to those seeking help.

Jenny Crissman's acupuncture and integrative healing facility is using this time to raise awareness

of how challenging infertility is and ensure that solutions are available. Depending on your unique circumstances, various treatment options, including acupuncture, herbs and nutritional support are available, and you can certainly benefit from the right treatment plan.

Treating Infertility with Acupuncture

Acupuncture, a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is emerging as a promising solution for infertility. Acupuncture works to stimulate your body's natural healing abilities. It helps enhance the blood flow to your reproductive organs, improves hormonal imbalances, and reduces stress. It's a holistic approach that helps create an ideal environment for conception.

In addition, Jenny focuses on building a healing relationship with each patient. Her unique treatment methods combine ancient diagnostics with modern techniques. All treatment plans are fully customized and include acupuncture, nutritional advice, herbal formulations, and lifestyle recommendations. Her expertise also extends to treating digestive issues, sports injuries, emotional disturbances, women's health concerns, and autoimmune disorders. Jenny is extensively trained and her dedication to empowering patients really shows.

Take Action Today

If you feel ready and are in Oakland, you can contact Jenny Crissman and explore a personalized path to achieving positive fertility outcomes. This World Infertility Awareness Month, promise yourself to take control of your fertility journey. Schedule a consultation with Jenny Crissman and discover a holistic and supportive approach to infertility treatment. Call 510-595-0700 today!