Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for many centuries. The main goal of TMC is to restore the balance in the body, thereby healing it. Many different therapies fall under TCM including herbal remedies, acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion.
Acupuncture, in particular, is a TCM therapy that has been practiced for over 2,500 years. It consists of inserting very fine needles into the skin at various depths and on different points of the body in order to promote blood circulation to the area, increase the release of pain relief hormones, and encourage healing.
The main philosophy behind acupuncture therapy is to restore balance to the body and allow the life-giving force in the body – the 'qi' – to flow freely. When the qi can flow freely through the body, it creates healing and prevents mental and physical illnesses.
Acupuncture has been used to treat various kinds of illnesses such as chronic pain, hypertension, muscle pains, etc. However, it can also be used to treat emotional imbalances such as depression, stress and anxiety. Let’s take a more detailed look at the use of acupuncture to help treat all stress/ anxiety.
How Acupuncture Therapy Can Treat Stress and Anxiety
Many adults suffer from symptoms of anxiety such as excessive worrying, negative thoughts, circular thinking and the feeling of being overwhelmed. While these symptoms can be treated through psychotherapy and medication, many people prefer to use acupuncture therapy to help with the symptoms and underlying causes and imbalances, making it a very popular alternative treatment.
There have actually been several scientific studies conducted that have found that acupuncture has been an effective treatment for generalized anxiety and in treating anxiety and stress. One such study found that patients that do not respond to psychotherapy and medications responded very well to acupuncture.
But how does acupuncture actually treat anxiety and stress? After a TCM diagnosis is determined based on every individual's particular imbalance. FIne acupuncture needles are inserted at different points in the body to help calm the body’s central nervous system. It helps to balance the parasympathetic ( fight or flight) and sympathetic ( rest and digest) nervous systems. When it comes to treating anxiety, there are several individual diagnoses and a few universal acupuncture point prescriptions. These points include the DU 20, REN 17, Yin Tang, HT-7, GB-21, LV-3, and SP-6. These points help to regulate imbalances in QI related to the heart and mind. If you visit an acupuncturist that is well-versed in using the therapy to treat anxiety, they will know exactly which acupuncture points are best to treat your specific diagnosis for anxiety and stress.
If you are someone that is looking to try acupuncture therapy to treat anxiety and stress, you should consider Jenny Crissman for the treatment. Based in Oakland, California, Jenny provides integrative healing care, which includes services such as acupuncture, cupping, nutrition, functional medicine testing, and more. Book an appointment today and get started on your journey of healing.