Alternative Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are highly common, affecting billions around the world.  More than 50 million Americans  suffer from them every year. While seasonal  allergies aren’t restricted to certain areas, some  regions are more likely to cause them. The Bay Area is one of them. Those living in the Bay Area are at a  significantly higher risk of developing seasonal allergies, not just due to its year-long warm climate but  also because of widespread greenery.

The Bay Area undergoes three phases or  seasons of  pollen spikes during a year . Moreover, there is a  lot  of grass and significant weed growth in many areas, both  are known allergy triggers.   A  Stanford Medicine research study  recently reported that the allergy season in the Bay Area has increased by two  months due to changing weather patterns.

While there are several over the counter antihistamines  available for seasonal allergies, many people do  not find them helpful and prefer to use alternative therapies, herbs and nutritional supplements to  benefit their immune function and lower their histamine response. They are effective and do not have  the common side effects of allopathic  allergy medicines that often cause drowsiness, which is another  major reason why many people avoid using them.

Alternative Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

If you’re one of those people who want to  avoid using antihistamines, here are some viable alternatives:

  • Herbs

Herbs are an excellent natural remedy for seasonal allergies. Here are some of the most tried and tested  ones:

Perilla  – An herb from the mint family, perilla helps  with sinusitis, nasal congestion, eye  irritation, and allergic asthma.

Stinging Nettle  – Contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,  astringent, analgesic, and  antioxidant properties.

Sea Buckthorn  – The bright orange-colored berries of sea buckthorn contain over 190 nutrients.

These include organic acids, vitamins B complex, C, and E, and provitamin A. They also have  superoxide dismutase enzyme, which is vital for respiratory health. This herb is not only great for  seasonal allergies but also for chronic coughs and breathing disorders like asthma.

Quercetin  - A plant pigment, antioxidant flavonoid found in onions , berries and  broccoli…known to have protective abilities and combat toxicity, inflammation and histamine  response.

Herbs and Supplements are available, efficacious and easy :

You can find them available as one single herb  or best use is  in combination with several herbs and  nutritional supplements.  They come in capsule form  or powder for ease of administration.


Reported  as a potential antidote for seasonal allergies, the ancient TCM therapy of acupuncture has  been shown to offer quick relief from its symptoms. It’s  believed  to do so by regulating the cytokine  profile of Th1 and Th2 immune cells. Try acupuncture for seasonal allergies if you frequently suffer from  them.

Contact Jenny Crissman for Quick Relief from Seasonal Allergies in Oakland  and East Bay Areas

Jenny Crissman is one of the most renowned TCM experts in Oakland and East Bay areas.

She is not only a pro at acupuncture but is also an herbal medicine expert. Dial  510-595-0700 to  schedule an acupuncture session with her and to get more recommendations for herbs for seasonal  allergies.